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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Summerlea Community Primary School


Welcome to EYFS at Summerlea

We have two classes of reception children in our school. Mrs Hawkins is the teacher of Maple Class and Mrs Knobel is the teacher of Willow Class.

Mrs Hawkins Mrs Knobel

As well as our lovely reception teachers above we also have the following experienced and fantastic LSAs (Learning Support Assistants) who support all the children across the year group.



Mrs Cowie Mrs Boyce Mrs Weston

Transition from Pre-School to School

We understand that starting school is a big step for both the children and you parents and we know the importance of providing a thorough transition for your child. This includes visiting children in their pre-school settings, home visits; where we can meet your child in their home environment, stay and play sessions, a summer picnic which provides a great opportunity for you to network with other parents and we also keep in touch over the summer holidays sharing videos of stories on class dojo and sending a postcard home.

We are excited to see the children in their school uniforms when the first day of school approaches and we offer one week of part time sessions for the children to adapt to their new school day.

It is important to us that as well as building fantastic relationships with the children that we also build these with you. Here at Summerlea we have an open door policy if you have any questions or wish to speak to us to discuss your child and their needs. We also have Class Dojo at Summerlea and messages can also be sent through this method also. 

Learning and Experiences

Autumn Term

We have lots of exciting experiences for the children in their first term of school. As well as learning their new school routines and adapting to life at Summerlea, they will develop many skills through play with their new friends. Our two big questions for this term are; Who am I? and What will you wish for? We will be exploring feelings, sharing books such as ‘The Colour Monster’ and ‘The Colour Monster goes to school’ and get to know each other by sharing our own treasure boxes from home. We will have a ‘Colour Day’ which provides the children with exciting experiences including preparing and tasting exotic fruits, exploring with colour and a variety of science investigations. The children will become confident exploring our inside and vast outside area and will learn how the resources will support their learning and allow their imaginations to lead and take their learning on further. We will go on Autumn walks, collecting leaves, conker and fir cones and talk about the changes that we will experience as Summer turns to Autumn and then to Winter. After half term there will be many opportunities to explore our outdoor area with more natural changes, such as exploring ice play and keeping warm by den building and experiencing stories around the fire in our very own Forest School. We will also be preparing for our Christmas Nativity ready to share with you all, to get you in the Christmas spirit. 

Spring Term

The children will explore the big questions Why do words matter? and What’s the story? this term. We will be reading the ‘Oi’ range of books by Kes Gray and also experience going on a bear hunt  after reading the famous story by Michael Rosen. We will also enjoy fairy tales; The Gingerbread Man and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children will learn all about instructions and design and make Gingerbread men and they will become investigators and detectives when they are faced with a porridge crime scene at school one morning. In this term we will also be inviting the company ‘Little City’ to school where they will set up our school hall with many role play experiences for the children to discover. We will also be walking the children to Rustington Library for their first school trip and they will learn how to select and take out a book to enjoy. Forest School in our outside area will continue to develop children’s skills and provide opportunities for using tools and learning how to fire light.

Summer Term 

This term our two big questions are; Where will you take me? and How do things change? The children will explore many different vehicles and non-fiction texts about them through our transport topic and we’ll have a visit from the fire brigade, the police and the ambulance service and they will all bring their vehicles and the children will learn how the emergency services help us. Our class caterpillars will arrive and this will kick start our ‘changes’ topic where we will be looking at the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle. The children will utilise our Sensory Garden a lot this term and will get to harvest the tomatoes and peppers we would be planting with the children previously in the year. We will also measure our sunflowers and enjoy encouraging insect visitors to our outside area and go on many mini-beast hunts. In Summer two we will also be taking the children on a school trip to Crimsham Farm. This will be a great hands-on experience for all of the children and they will take part in workshops and learn about caring for animals. We will also get to see many baby animals and this will spark many discussions about changes and growing up. Forest School this term will continue to develop skills using tools, joining materials, preparing food and making structures. We will also prepare the children for Year One by experiencing stories with their new teacher and visiting their new classroom for learning opportunities too.

Throughout the year we will share learning and observations with you about your child via Tapestry. Also keep an eye out for dates where we will invite you in for Phonics and Reading and Maths workshops as well as our termly celebration of learning sessions where you can come in and see your child’s work.