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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Summerlea Community Primary School



At Summerlea we ignite pupils’ curiosity and encourage them to explore and discover the world around them through investigating, questioning and through exciting learning experiences. Children will be taught how to think like a scientist - to observe, to hypothesise, to predict and conclude. They will make links and connections between their learning and the real world so their knowledge is secure.


*Children will lead their learning

*Children will question their own understanding

*Children will understand and use scientific vocabulary

*Children will use their learning and enquiry skills in the future

*Children will be encouraged to get answers from trial and error

When describing this vision, the scientific enquiry and knowledge is carefully organised by each year group through knowledge organisers; progression document for all year groups states the content knowledge, vocabulary and skills at a greater level. It is our intention that children are able to lead their own learning when investigating, they are given a question and resources and allowed to explore with the teacher facilitating and assisting through guidance and questioning.

As children progress through the year groups, they build on their skills in working scientifically, as well as on their scientific knowledge, as they develop greater independence in planning and carrying out fair and comparative tests to answer a range of scientific questions. Children will learn about a different scientist during each unit of work with the objective to focus on different ethnicities, backgrounds and genders to grab children’s curiosity and teach them that science can be found everywhere.



Our classrooms learning environments are consistent in having the Science key vision and principles clearly displayed alongside key vocabulary, this is further explained to increase the children’s understanding and is changed whenever a new topic takes place. Through their learning and as children progress through year groups they will build on their understanding of vocabulary and apply this to their learning. At the beginning of a topic, concept maps with key questions to establish a platform to build upon are completed. This is then reviewed at the end of the topic to show a progression in learning.

It is vital for children to acquire key scientific knowledge of skills through each unit and each lesson has a clear focus. Scientific knowledge and enquiry skills are developed with increasing depth and challenge as children move through the year groups with the opportunity to answer, discuss and address any misconceptions. Children will complete investigations and hands-on activities while gaining the scientific knowledge for each unit. There is also the opportunity to regularly review and evaluate children's understanding. Throughout the school activities and investigations are effectively differentiated, with appropriate adult support in place so that all children have an appropriate level of support and challenge.

Children are provided with a variety of hands-on investigations at Summerlea including using household items to show the digestive system, a trip to the planetarium when learning about the solar system and heart dissection workshops. These memorable experiences assist in bringing the learning to life and help children to retain key vocabulary and information.



At Summerlea, Pupil voice is essential to in taking Science learning and understanding forward. There is a focus on scientific vocabulary and children are encouraged to use this when writing and talking about their learning experience, thus giving children a deeper understanding of science. Across the year groups, work is taught at an age appropriate standard with opportunities planned in for pupils’ working at greater depth. Attainment and progress is now measured through Insight Tracking which is updated by teachers every term. The impact of using the full range of resources, including project loans from TLA, will be seen across the school with an increase in the profile of science. Collaboration with locality schools, though already in place, will be improved through the use of regular meetings and CPD activities to further enhance the learning at the school. Children are encouraged to look for science wherever they feel are to feel confident in their scientific knowledge and enquiry skills. The aim of the teaching staff is for children to be curious and look for science in the real world and be aware that science is everywhere.


To view our science curriculum, click here.