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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Summerlea Community Primary School

Special Educational Needs

Summerlea Community Primary is a friendly, caring school committed to
offering every child and staff member a secure, stimulating, nurturing, safe and
happy environment where everyone is able to thrive.

We have staff who are trained in Mental Health First Aid and ELSA (Emotional
Literacy Support) and are able to identify emotional wellbeing and mental
health needs quickly and provide support for those most at risk or children
who are showing signs of social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. We also
have a play therapist and a reading therapy dog in school to support the needs
of identified children.

We work with parents to provide information and support that will promote
positive wellbeing at home and have a designated Inclusion and Family
Support leader in school available to talk to. We are also able to support,
signpost and refer to other services and agencies including (not limited to):

Healthy Child Programme (school nursing service)

Food Bank referrals

Young Carers Support

Early Help

Home Start


Domestic Violence support


Arun Wellbeing Team (Healthy lifestyles)

Debt Support

Regular parenting support groups and workshops are held over the year and
provide opportunities for us to share with you our knowledge, experiences and
skills that will in turn enhance how you can support your children emotionally
and academically at home.

If you would like to discuss your childs emotional wellbeing, behaviour at home
or further advise and signposting, please contact Mrs Kimberley Viney,
Inclusion and Family Support Lead.

Providing for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) is a
key part of a successful inclusive school.

At Summerlea, there is a shared expectation that all children regardless of
their specific needs should be offered inclusive quality first teaching which will
enable them to make the best possible progress and feel that they are a valued
member of the wider school community.

Our schools SEND information report is designed to answer some of the
questions parents/carers may have.

Link here to SEND Information report for 23/24

Link here to SEND Information report for 24/25 

Local authorities and other services have set out a local offer of all services
available to support children who are disabled or who have SEN and their
families. The local offer will enable families to understand what services they
can access and what support they can expect from a range of local agencies,
including from the local authority, health services, schools, leisure services and
the voluntary sector. The offer will include provision from birth to 25, across
education, health and social care.