The Governors of Summerlea Community Primary School are a committed group who work as a team to fully support the school to deliver their vision, values and ethos. The governing body act as a critical friend to the school, by providing support and constructive challenge.
The governing body operates a circle model of governance with no committees; all decisions are made by the full governing body. Meetings are held a minimum of each half term, but frequently monthly.
Individual governors all hold specific responsibilities, details are attached:
The primary responsibilities of the school's Governing Body are:
- Strategic oversight– setting suitable aims and objectives, shaping policies, targets and priorities, ensuring value for money, reviewing outcomes.
- Monitoring – making sure that the school adheres to its policies, budgets and plans; keeping informed about the quality and standards of education in the school, including pupil achievement; undertaking school visits.
- Accountability – making sure parents are kept informed about what is happening in the school and ensuring that their views are taken into account.
Details of the Governing Body members are below:
Sue Meekings LA Governor, Chair of Governors
Sara Hughes Co-opted Governor, Vice-Chair of Governors
Marion Webb Co-opted Governor
Liz Henderson Co-opted Governor
Laura Stevens Parent Governor
Charlie Radley Staff Governor
Joe Todd Headteacher