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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Summerlea Community Primary School

Parental View

Our new parents’ views

‘My son comes home happy and excited for school the next day. He even asks to come to school at the weekend!’

‘X is settling well due to feeling safe and loved. The early years staff have ignited a whole new passion for her learning.’

‘I love that my daughter’s teacher engages with my younger child, we all feel very welcome and happy!’

‘My boys have loved the activities especially the bug hunting! X has come home most nights with the actions from phonics and describing the sounds, we love this school!’

‘X has enjoyed being active and the outdoor area. She came home and wrote her name with only one incorrectly written letter, this is amazing!’

‘Transition was really positive. I love that the teachers started reading early on as my child is loving it!’

‘The stay and play session helped a lot. As a child with no known peers coming up, it helped us learn some names and helped her confidence.’

‘The early years staff feel genuinely loving towards the children. Greeting them with warmth every day. My child says ‘I am loved at school!’