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Summerlea Community Primary School



Our aim at Summerlea School is to encourage pupils to develop an appreciation and understanding of the past. Our historians will be curious, critical thinkers that can articulate how past events have shaped our modern world. Through evaluating a range of sources, pupils will be taught how people around the world had different experiences and perspectives.

Our History curriculum has been forged to encapsulate a progression of skills, knowledge and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum which dictates ‘a high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past.’

To ensure that pupils develop a secure knowledge that can be built upon, our History curriculum is organised into four key milestones which outline the skills, knowledge and vocabulary encompassed on its journey. They are:

  • Investigate and interpret the past
  • Build an overview of world history
  • Understand chronology
  • Communicate historically

In covering these milestones, the historical content will be carefully organised by each year group through knowledge organisers; a year group long-term plan and sequentially into a short-term plan which articulates the content knowledge, vocabulary and skills at a greater level. Our historical topics are devised to establish a cross-curricular approach throughout the Key Stages whereby meaningful links with other subjects are made to strengthen connections and understanding for pupils.



In our historical teaching, we aim to immerse the children in high-quality experiences in an attempt to bring to life the content first-hand. This is usually at the beginning of the topic to hook the children in.

Our classrooms learning environments are consistent in promoting a key driving question about the historical content at hand. Alongside this, key facts and essential vocabulary is modelled on display to immerse the children further.

At the beginning of topic, concept maps with key questions are used alongside curriculum-based quizzes to establish a platform to build upon. This is then reviewed at the end of the topic to show a progression in learning.

Our historians will be given a variety of experiences in and out of the classroom where appropriate to enhance and create memorable learning opportunities to further support and develop their understanding. This could include the handling of artefacts or visitors coming in to bring learning to life.


At Summerlea, pupil voice is essential to driving our historical learning forward. It increasingly articulates pupils are confident and able to talk about what they have learnt using topic-specific vocabulary. Across the year groups, work is taught at an age appropriate standard with opportunities planned in for pupils’ exploring learning objectives in greater depth.

To view our History curriculum, click here.