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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Summerlea Community Primary School


We are always looking for volunteers to assist with various activities at our school, which can make a huge difference to children's learning.

We very much appreciate any help that parents or grandparents are able to offer, whether it is hearing readers, supervising on a school visit or helping run a PTA activity – all are valuable contributions to the life of our school.

Giving an hour or more of your time each week to hear children read will make a significant difference to the confidence and ability of any child. If you feel you are able to do this please contact your child’s teacher and arrange a convenient time for you to visit and discuss the role.

Occasionally additional help is required, which will be indicated on the letter.

Each year group will have off-site educational visits planned for the year. Occasionally additional help is required, which will be indicated on the letter. If you are required you will be informed by the teacher who will talk you through the expectations of the visit including the safeguarding arrangements that would have been made.

Our Summerlea PTA play a vital role in bringing the community together and raising funds for numerous projects that benefit the children’s education. We meet half termly to discuss and plan the various events throughout the year. As a parent you are automatically a member of the PTA and are welcome to these meetings. If you are able to help on a stall or be available at an event to help then please contact the school office.

Volunteering at Summerlea School in whatever capacity it takes is really appreciated.

Summerlea School is committed to promoting the safety and wellbeing of all children and we expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share in this commitment.