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Summerlea Community Primary School



At Summerlea, in mathematics we want all children to consider themselves as a mathematician. We aim to for every child to develop competency, and in turn confidence in maths. At Summerlea, we aim to provide a curriculum that challenges and caters for the needs of all our children, in which all children develop a secure understanding and enjoy using the skills and knowledge they have learned to solve increasingly challenging mathematical problems. Developing an early love of mathematics is key; our curriculum aims to allow children to develop the fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills that they will need throughout their education and lives. At Summerlea, we aim to do this by carefully building on children’s prior learning in small steps; allowing children to master each step in a range of contexts before moving on. We want to develop children’s resilience and ability to make links with their learning, applying this to solve a range of real- life problems independently.  From EYFS to Year 6, children use many different concrete and pictorial representations to support and deepen their mathematical understanding before moving in to abstract forms.


Our mastery approach to the curriculum is designed around the NCETM ‘Spines’ and, this year, ‘Curriculum Prioritisation’ documents. At Summerlea, we use the NCETM documents to support the planning, implementation and assessment of small steps learning. Steps are taught in a carefully planned order so that children can reason, connect and build on -so there’s a reasoned journey for learning.

In Early Years, teachers use the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework/ Birth to Five Matters, so our youngest children are provided with a broad range of exciting, practical activities, both indoors and outdoors, to develop their mathematical skills. This is delivered through a high-quality learning environment with rich opportunities and questioning that allows all children to fully explore the early concepts of maths. Evidence of their learning and understanding is captured through careful observation and pupil voice. In order to support a secure understanding of mathematics in the earliest years of school, Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 classes deliver the NCETM ‘Mastering Number’ program.

Teachers use a wide range of resources in all areas of mathematical learning to develop the children’s fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. At the beginning of a new topic, the children are provided with the mathematical vocabulary that they will use, which is regularly revisited and displayed on the maths working wall. During topics children are exposed to stem sentences and generalisations to support alongside vocabulary to explain their thinking. These show the sequence of learning that the children have followed throughout each mathematical strand to reach their end goal and highlight any misconceptions that may have arisen during the learning.

From Year 1 to 6, teachers use the NCETM mastery teacher guides and PowerPoints to plan and deliver small step learning, supplemented carefully through additional maths resources from NRICH, Maths No Problem and Oxford Owl Numicon. Mathematics is delivered through whole class, mixed-ability lessons. To ensure fluency is continually developed, the children learn using a systemic approach where teachers ensure that children make connections between concrete manipulatives, pictorial and abstract representations, moving towards the most efficient methods to represent and solve problems. Prior learning is revisited, to ensure retrieval of skills by children in order to build on existing knowledge. Children deepen their understanding of maths through varied application, explaining their thinking and creating their own questions. At Summerlea we use ‘PEC’ in order for children to ‘Prove’, ‘Explain’ and ‘Create’ in Mathematics.

Our Calculation Policy and Vocabulary Progression allows for a seamless transition between year groups, ensuring that the approach and language we use to teach maths in each year group is consistent and representative of modern methodologies.

Teachers are provided with regular CPD to ensure that they are using the latest maths guidance and teaching strategies. This provides the children at Summerlea with the most up-to-date and current teaching methods and research.

Learning in school is further developed and supported by carefully planned home learning. Here, children have access to a variety of different online platforms, including MyMaths, Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots, which they enjoy using both in school and at home.

During maths lessons, the children use peer and self-assessment to reflect on their own learning and correct their work, developing a clear understanding of their own misconceptions. Teachers continuously monitor children’s progress, through marking of books, precise questioning and summative and formative assessment. We use the DfE’s Ready to Progress criteria and assessment as part of a spaced practice to ensure retention and maintaining of key knowledge. As part of our summative assessment we use STAR Maths online adaptive assessments once every term alongside daily assessment, reviewing any gaps in knowledge, which are then targeted, so that every child is ready for the next stage in their learning.



The children at Summerlea thoroughly enjoy mathematics lessons and thrive from a new and complex challenge. They have a resilient attitude towards mathematics and are able to use prior learning to make decisions on appropriate methods and resources to solve challenging problems. Children at Summelea are able to confidently talk about their maths learning and how they have overcome barriers. Children are able to use appropriate technical vocabulary to explain their thinking and concepts with increased confidence and accuracy.

Children at Summerlea are able to move flexibly and fluidly between different contexts and representations, developing their ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics lessons.

Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are able to drawn on secure knowledge of basic number facts and knowledge to support learning in other areas with increasing accuracy and fluency.


To view our calculation policy, click here.